Student Outreach


Zach Stephens, P.Eng.



Blair Arsenault, P.Eng.

Dylan Crawford, EIT

Tyler E. Gallant, P.Eng.

Corinne Gardham, P.Eng.

Adam Jay, P.Eng.

Joshua Kelly, P.Eng.

Simon Leng, P.Eng.

Mike McKenna, FEC, P.Eng.

Tanya Pater, EIT

Kim Levesque


This committee shall:

  • before the second meeting of the new Council hold a meeting to review any issues and the recommended budget and report to Council;
  • promote engineering as a profession to students at every level;
  • coordinate speakers to present to classrooms and on career days to promote engineering;
  • participate in UPEI engineering expos and activities;
  • facilitate an annual career night at UPEI for students to interact with professional engineers;
  • promote student membership in Engineers PEI to university students; and
  • one month prior to the Annual General Meeting provide to Council for incorporation in the annual report a written account of the work completed by the committee.  Also provide with the report an outline of any issues to be carried forward to the next year, new issues to be addressed and a suggested budget.

National Engineering Month

  • liaise with Engineers Canada regarding the dates and theme for the current year's event and any opportunities for coordination and cooperation with Engineers PEI and Engineers Canada;
  • develop competitions and other activities to be carried out to promote awareness of engineering and National Engineering Month by the public;
  • prepare a schedule of National Engineering Month activities including printing and mailing brochures and entry forms for competitions and selecting and reserving venues;
  • carry out the onsite organization and supervision of competitions and other activities; and
  • record details of competitions and other activities and provide recommendations for the following year's National Engineering Month.