Annual General Meeting

This committee is responsible for planning and making arrangements for the Annual Meeting and associated activities. 

The committee shall:

  • before the second meeting of the new Council hold a meeting to review any issues and the recommended budget and report to Council;
  • select and book facilities and entertainment early in the year;
  • arrange for elections;
  • prepare the ballot leaflet with a picture and write-up of each of the nominees and mail to Members, Non-Practising Members and Honorary Life Members;
  • request Council to select scrutineers;
  • prepare a detailed agenda for the annual business meeting, luncheon and banquet;
  • make arrangements for nutrition break(s), luncheon and banquet menus, receptions, guest speaker and hotel room reservations;
  • carry out any other duties relating to the annual meeting and elections; and
  • one month prior to the Annual Meeting provide to Council details of the work completed and a written account for incorporation in the annual report.  Also provide with the report an outline of any issues to be carried forward to the next year, new issues or initiatives to be addressed and a suggested budget.



Adam MacKenzie, P.Eng.



Marianne LeBlanc, P.Eng.

Libby Osgood, P.Eng.

Jim Landrigan, FEC, P.Eng.

Kim Levesque