

Geoff Connolly, K.C., FEC, P.Eng.


Nancy Chiasson, FEC, P.Eng.

Elliott Coles, FEC, P.Eng.

Richard MacEwen, FEC, P.Eng.

Jody MacLeod, FEC, P.Eng.

David Taylor, FEC, P.Eng.

Sean Wheeler, FEC, P.Eng.

Jim Landrigan, FEC, P.Eng.

Kim Levesque


Mandate:  The Advocacy Committee has the mandate to inform the public and others of the relevance and value of the engineering profession; to inform the public and others of the Association's role in regulating the profession in PEI and in providing services to its members; to raise the profile of the Association and the engineering profession; to coordinate communication with the public and others on Association programs and activities; to respond to media requests; and to ensure the Association is invited to public meetings where issues impact the Association and Profession.