Women in Engineering Committee


Marianne LeBlanc, P.Eng.



Ana Laura Carvalho Bianco, EIT

Angela Court, P.Eng.

Ashley McEachern, P.Eng.

Dima Mreesh, P.Eng.

Jim Landrigan, FEC, P.Eng.


The Women in Engineering Committee was formed in 2013.  The mandate of the committee is to:

  • monitor and work to increase the participation of women in engineering with respect to recruitment, retention and equity
  • provide information, advice and recommendations on women in engineering issues for consideration by the Engineers PEI Council
  • lead the Engineers PEI work to support the national goal of 30 by 30, and actions in support of the Engineers Canada action plan and
  • participate in outreach, development activities, research initiatives, and collaborate with like-minded groups both within and external to Engineers PEI.